Posted in Baking, Holiday, Parties on 11/18/2011 05:59 pm by Chrissy
Cake Balls

Cake balls seem to be so popular right now and I know why…they are so fun to eat. If you want to make these tasty treats make sure you have a few hours to spare. These are so fun for kids, parties, and any holiday. Here is how I make them, and I hope you will give them a try.
Boxed cake mix
Canned frosting
Chocolate bark
Glass bowl
Parchment paper
Cookie Sheet
Chocolate Dipping Tools, Scoop (for melon or cookie dough)
- Bake the cake according to the directions on the box. Let cool and crumble in large bowl.
- Mix ¾ of the canned frosting into the cake crumbles. If you like really gooey cake balls you can add the whole can. Use a spatula or just get your hands in there and mix it up well. Place in the refrigerator for an hour to set.
- Take cake mixture and roll into a 2 tablespoon sized ball. I highly recommend using a stainless steel scoop to make this part go faster. Place the cake ball onto a parchment paper lined cookie sheet. Make sure the cookie sheet can fit into the refrigerator. Let sit over night or you can put them in the freezer for 2 hours.
- Once the cake balls have set, place the chocolate bark in the glass bowl and microwave for 30 second intervals until melted.   I suggest having a second cookie sheet lined with parchment paper ready to place the chocolate covered cake balls on.

- Drop a cold cake ball into the chocolate and roll around with two forks or use the dipping tools. Once the cake ball is covered, tap the fork on the side of the bowl to smooth out the chocolate and let the excess drip off. Place on parchment paper and add topping if desired. Don’t wait too long to decorate or the chocolate will harden.
- Place in the refrigerator for 30 minutes to harden chocolate.
- Make sure to display in a fun and cute way. Enjoy.

Here are some yummy flavor combinations:
- Red Velvet Cake & Cream Cheese Frosting
- German Chocolate Cake & Pecan Coconut Frosting (top with coconut)
- Carrot Cake & Cream Cheese Frosting (chop nuts and add into frosting/cake mixture)
- Orange Cake & Butter Cream Frosting (tastes like a creamsicle bar)
- Triple Chocolate: Chocolate Cake & Chocolate Frosting topped with mini chocolate chips

Posted in Baking on 01/26/2010 06:23 pm by Chrissy
Today was my last day of my cake decorating class. We learned all about roses. This week was interesting for me as it reminded me that no one is perfect at crafting on the first try. You may see the photos and think wow, I could never do that. YES YOU CAN! I look at the cake and see rough frosting that wouldn’t smooth and lots of gaps. It takes time to master the technique and then learn tricks of the trade to make a perfect cake…if that is even possible. Today’s class inspired me to keep trying no matter what happens. No matter what the end product of your crafting looks like, it is the process that should bring joy to your life.
I highly recommend taking a cake decorating class. You can save a ton of money on birthday celebrations and make your cakes personalized to the recipient. To get fun decorating ideas, visit your local cake shop or craft store.
Posted in Baking on 01/19/2010 05:42 am by Chrissy
Now that my sugar high from last week’s cake is wearing off, it is time for week two of cake decorating.  I had time on Saturday to practice a few techniques from our last class, but had some trouble with my frosting. Against the teachers recommendation I used shortening from the grocery store which lacks the fat necessary for the frosting to stick together…BIG MISTAKE. My frosting wasn’t the creamy consistency, but I still learned a lot. Today I learned how to do a shell border, faces, hearts (kinda look like butt cheeks), star flowers, swirl flowers, and finally a clown.
Next week will be the last and final lesson for course 1, which is all about roses.
Posted in Baking on 01/12/2010 04:38 am by Chrissy
Today was the first day of class. A local Austin cake shop, All in One Bake Shop, offers all three levels of Wilton cake decorating classes. I learned how to make frosting (no low-fat version), proper way to frost a cake with no crumbs, and a few borders and flowers. In only 3 hours I made a decent looking cake. Hope next week goes this well too.
To find a cake decorating class near you visit The instructors will teach you the technique to get a Craftfully Made cake every time you bake.
Posted in Baking on 01/07/2010 10:00 am by Chrissy
Growing up my mom always made our birthday cakes and decorated them herself, well most of the time. I can still smell the sweetness of buttercream frosting. Mom would also do cakes for friend’s special occasions and get paid for it. I was always so impressed that she could manage to make such beautiful creations in a house with 5 kids.
Here are a few cakes from my childhood:

The biggest challenge was when she made a wedding cake for my grandparents’ 50th anniversary…and I got to help.

With Mom as my inspiration, I decided to sign up for a cake decorating class so I am prepared for many children’s birthdays in the future. It starts next week and I am so excited.